Mark C Watney
8 min readJun 7, 2024


A Slant Reading of St. Mark’s Gospel

Painting by Lynda Miller Baker

Chapter One

It begins with the Locust-and-Wild-Honey-Man
stalking out of the desert
in camel-hair skins

and shattering 400 years
of prophet-silence
by announcing

that the Jewish King
had finally arrived —
but not quite yet:

Yet still
they come — rushing
out to the desert to see this

Locust Eating Prophet,
and blurting out sins
he could do nothing about:

Look, he says to them:
I can’t cure you
I can only wash you

But Sin-Magician is here:
the one prophesied
over a thousand years ago

The powerful one
whose sandals I can’t even stoop
to untie

And so they rush out to him
from the river to the sea
confessing their sins

“I’ve plunged you in the water”
said Locust Man, “but he’s going to plunge you
in the Holy Spirit”

A Holy Magic
to change you
from the inside out


Things move fast in St. Mark:
After 400 years of silence
There he is — it seems

A “handyman”
from the Nazareth ghetto
asking Locust-man to wash him

And as soon as he does
Heaven supposedly rips open
and a voice booms out

that the Yahweh-God is back
and this handy-man
is his Son — The Sin Magician himself

But then he suddenly disappears
into the Desert
for 40 days

returning trembling and skinny
after fasting with wild beasts
and fighting Lucifer


And immediately he cries out:
It’s time!
Yahweh’s Kingdom is arriving

And heads for the lake
to recruit some fishermen:
Simon and Andrew

telling them to quit
because now they must fish
for men — and wouldn’t need nets

(I don’t know who they thought he was —
but they just drop the nets
and follow him)

He then sees James and John
in Dad’s fishing boat
(But ignores Dad)

and tells his sons
to drop their nets too
and follow him

(We strangely hear
nothing from Dad
about this)


So he and the four fisher-recruits
hike up to his home-town —
a tiny fishing dump called Nazareth,

enter a synagogue
on the Sabbath
(always on the Sabbath)

And immediately
(always Immediately)
he begins to preach

It starts well:
Everyone is amazed at his teaching
and his authority (whatever that means)

But (yes, immediately)
A man with a demon recognizes him
and screams out

I know you!
You’re that Sin-Magician John was jabbering about!
You are trying to destroy us!

But Sin-Magician ignores the man
and tells the demon to go to Hell
Which he does — immediately of course

To everyone’s shock
And (yes, immediately)
Sin-Magician goes viral

through all the Galilean fishing towns
that same day
(and still in chapter one)


And immediately
(Yes, still chapter one)
He bails the synagogue

and goes to Simon’s house
(with Andrew and James and John)
where his sick mom-in-law shivers with fever

And Sin-Magician enters her room
(with Simon and Andrew and James and John)
and just lifts her out of bed

She starts cooking for them

the whole village turns up at Simon’s door

Not for food
Not for forgiveness of sin
But for demon-extermination


Very early next morning
(same chapter though)
Jesus sneaks out to the hills

finds a lonely place
and breathes
a sigh of relief

But they
(Simon and the fishing posse)
Run after him, crying

Everyone is looking for you!

Oh really Simon? What a coincidence!
I was just looking for everyone too —
that’s why I snuck out before the sun rose!

And Sin-Magician sighs:
We have to go to other towns too
I can’t let Capernaum hog me like this.


So He goes to every synagogue
in every town
around Lake Galilee

telling demons
— again
to go to Hell


And there a leper
drops at His feet

If you want to, you can do it!
I want to!

says Sin-Magician

And (Immediately)
Leper blabs the news
to Everyone

and Everyone
mobs him

And again
he hides
out in the desert

And again
they hunt
him down

carrying lepers
and drug addicts

And this
is the end of chapter one.



Sin-Magician returns to Capernaum
and hides out at Simon-house

But word spreads again — fast
and soon Simon-house is mobbed
— again

with lepers, mothers-in-laws, addicts, cripples
(and lawyers — this time)
So He flings open the shutters and doors

and preaches to them —
till word gets out
that men are clambering

up Simon-house roof — this time
hauling up a cripple —
still in his bed

And ripping open the roof
to lower him down
right before Sin Magician’s feet

But the story gets stranger:
and its hard to tell it straight
as tree-branches

and beams
and chunks of clay
come crashing

around Sin-Magician
and the cripple

And coppersmiths
and cantors
and carpenters

stare up
through the mangled roof

But in that cacophony
Sin-Magician points down
to the cripple sprawled before them

and cries out
what only He
could cry out:

Cripple, be clean!
Your crimes against God
are gone!

And as the din and dust settle
cognizant dissonance slowly festers
into angst

and angst into anger
as the Magician’s words congeal
into first-degree heresy

And sin-sayers
and Sadducees
begin to seethe

But He turns to them
and politely asks:
Would it be easier

and more pleasant for you
if I had said
“Be healed?

And behold
they are

And Sin-Magician turns away,
looks back down
upon the cripple,

then cries out
(more to them
than to the bed-ridden man):

Rise and Walk!

And Cripple rises
picks up his bed
and walks out before them


Back at the beach
Sin Magician
(with crowd in tow)

finds Levi
sitting there
in a tax-collection booth

Follow me
He says
and Levi

abandons booth
and follows

(and that’s all he wrote)

And they —
Levi and his posse
of collection agents

and prostitutes
and gang-bangers
recline at “his house”

(Whose house?
St. Mark
only says “his house”)

But word
gets out
to the Legalists

about this
strange confluence
of collection agents, prostitutes, and fishermen

And they subpoena
Simon and Andrew and James and John
(and Levi) — and ask:

Why does your Magician “recline”
with sinners
and collection agents?

But He
answers them
and says

Did you not know
That I am
The prophet for bad people?


others point out to him
that John’s disciples fasted

and the Legalist’s disciples fast
But yours
are always eating and drinking

That’s because
Sin Magician says
I am

And therefore
they eat
and drink

But when I go
they will

And he told them a story
about New wine
which cannot be kept in old bottles

Again on the Sabbath
(always on the Sabbath)
His disciples were caught plucking corn

How dare they pluck
on the Sabbath?

The Legalists cry

Sin Magician answers
I am

The Sabbath
I am
their Rest

And I am
than the Sabbath

I am

The Withered Hand

Hendrick Goltzius © Christie’s London, 10 July 2014

And now behold
His grief and anger:
(emotions recorded only by Mark)

over the withered hand
of a brick mason
sitting alone

in the front row
of a synagogue
behind a bevy

of Sadducees and Legalists
waiting there —
in silence

for the Magician (and defendant)
to arrive
and blow it

through his weakness:
and compassion

And when He enters
the silence continues
as thick as the Law

and as mangled
as the withered hand
before them

And He simply asks them
if it is legal
to do good

or not
to do good
on the Sabbath?

And again
there is

And he stars at them —
and only Mark then adds:

(Deeply upset
at their hard hearts
he was filled with Anger)

And commands
the man
to straighten his withered hand

and immediately
the hand

And when the Legalists
see and hear
his gasp of joy

Their faces contort
with righteous wrath
and rising

They leave
to rally the Romans
under Herod the King

to stomp out
this upstart
magi do-gooder.


But Jesus goes back to the beach
followed by a gaggle of Galileans,
Judeans, Idumeans, Transjodanians
Tyrenians, and Sidoneans
who threat to engulf him
with their needs

Get the boat ready!
he hollers to his disciples
or we will be crushed

Yet Mark says nothing more
about the boat.
He only says

that He heals them
that the sick push forward to touch him
that evil spirits came out of them yelling:

You are the son of God!
and that he replies
Shut up! Tell no one who I am

And then-
He escapes again
to the top of a mountain

and calls out
just 12
to follow him

to be with him
and to throw
out demons:

Simon (called Peter)
Jimmy and John (the sons of Thunder)
and then the “others”:

Andy, Phil, Bart, Matt, Tom,
Jim, Thad, Simon
and Judas (who betrays him)

And then, says Mark,
They go to “the house”-again
where they are crushed — again

by so many people
that they cannot eat-again
So word gets out

To his family
who tries to rescue him
because he was “out of his mind”

Then “experts” arrive
who explain to his family
that he is, unfortunately,

“possessed by Beelzebub”
who gave him this power
to cast out demons.


So Sin Magician sits down
and “speaks to to them in pictures”
which only some can understand

And all the while
his Mum and family keep waiting for him
outside “the house”

Until finally the crowd
tell him: Your Mum and family
are, apparently, still waiting for you — outside.

Who is my Mum? asks Sin Magician
(they just stare at him)
And he stares back — and utters:

Here is my Mum! –pointing around the circle
And my bros
And my sisters


In The Boat by Strelnikov, Vladimir

Mark says nothing more
about Sin-Magician’s Mum and family
and heads back to the sea

without them — apparently,
and is so mobbed — again
he has to preach

from a boat.
Except this time
He tells stories —

so that they will hear
and hear
but never understand

And look
and look
but never see

Otherwise — he says to his disciples
they might
repent and I would then

be obligated
to forgive them
And his 12 mates stare at him

too afraid to tell him
that they, too,
do not understand his stories)


That evening
they cross to the other side
of Lake Galilee

into a fierce storm
which fills the boat with water
But the Magician was fast asleep

And only Mark then adds:
“with his head on a pillow”

And “with his head on a pillow”
they begin to panic
and shaking him awake

they cry out to him
“why don’t you care?”
and up he staggers

and grumpily shouts out
to the wind and waves:
Silence! Shut up!”

All quotations from NT Wright Translation

 by the author.



Mark C Watney
Mark C Watney

Written by Mark C Watney

English Professor at Sterling College KS.

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